48m 38s
Feb 28, 2025, 6:33 AM


[5.x][docu] Minor sudo fix (#45031) The `CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER` environment variable must be set within the `sudo` command.


Console Logs

24100 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24101 521 Access to deprecated static property $language of class 196s
24102 Joomla\CMS\Factory: 196s
24103 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24104 Use the language service in the DI container or get from 196s
24105 the application object 196s
24106 Example: 196s
24107 Factory::getApplication()->getLanguage(); 196s
24108 🪪 staticProperty.deprecated 196s
24109 772 Call to deprecated method register() of class JLoader: 196s
24110 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24111 Classes should be autoloaded. Use 196s
24112 JLoader::registerPrefix() or JLoader::registerNamespace() to 196s
24113 register an autoloader for your files. 196s
24114 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24115 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24116 196s
24117 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24118 Line plugins/system/privacyconsent/src/Extension/PrivacyConsent.php 196s
24119 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24120 81 Method 196s
24121 Joomla\Plugin\System\PrivacyConsent\Extension\PrivacyConsent::onContentPrepareForm() 196s
24122 should return bool but return statement is missing. 196s
24123 🪪 return.missing 196s
24124 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24125 196s
24126 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24127 Line plugins/system/stats/src/Extension/Stats.php 196s
24128 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24129 552 Call to deprecated method getInstance() of class 196s
24130 Joomla\CMS\Cache\Cache: 196s
24131 4.2 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24132 Use the cache controller factory instead 196s
24133 Example: 196s
24134 Factory::getContainer()->get(CacheControllerFactoryInterface::class)->createCacheController($type, 196s
24135 $options); 196s
24136 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24137 ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24138 196s
24139 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 196s
24140 Line plugins/system/stats/src/Field/DataField.php 196s
24141 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 196s
24142 56 Call to deprecated method triggerEvent() of interface 196s
24143 Joomla\CMS\Application\EventAwareInterface: 196s
24144 4.0 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24145 Use the Dispatcher method instead 196s
24146 Example: 196s
24147 Factory::getApplication()->getDispatcher()->dispatch($eventName, 196s
24148 $event); 196s
24149 🪪 method.deprecated 196s
24150 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 196s
24151 196s
24152 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24153 Line plugins/system/webauthn/src/Authentication.php 196s
24154 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24155 193 Class Webauthn\AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria does not have a 196s
24156 constructor and must be instantiated without any parameters. 196s
24157 🪪 new.noConstructor 196s
24158 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24159 196s
24160 ------ --------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24161 Line plugins/system/webauthn/src/MetadataRepository.php 196s
24162 ------ --------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24163 129 Call to deprecated method forUnsecuredSigner() of class 196s
24164 Lcobucci\JWT\Configuration: 196s
24165 Deprecated since v4.3 196s
24166 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24167 ------ --------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24168 196s
24169 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24170 Line plugins/system/webauthn/src/PluginTraits/UserProfileFields.php (in 196s
24171 context of class Joomla\Plugin\System\Webauthn\Extension\Webauthn) 196s
24172 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24173 178 Call to deprecated method register() of class 196s
24174 Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper: 196s
24175 4.0 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24176 Use the service registry instead 196s
24177 HTMLHelper::getServiceRegistry()->register($key, 196s
24178 $function); 196s
24179 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24180 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24181 196s
24182 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24183 Line plugins/task/sitestatus/services/provider.php 196s
24184 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24185 40 Instantiated class JConfig not found. 196s
24186 🪪 class.notFound 196s
24187 💡 Learn more at https://phpstan.org/user-guide/discovering-symbols 196s
24188 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24189 196s
24190 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24191 Line plugins/task/updatenotification/src/Extension/UpdateNotification.php 196s
24192 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24193 248 Call to deprecated method getInstance() of class 196s
24194 Joomla\CMS\Table\Table: 196s
24195 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24196 Use the MvcFactory instead 196s
24197 Example: 196s
24198 Factory::getApplication()->bootComponent('...')->getMVCFactory()->createTable($name, 196s
24199 $prefix, $config); 196s
24200 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24201 ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24202 196s
24203 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24204 Line plugins/user/joomla/src/Extension/Joomla.php 196s
24205 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24206 194 Access to deprecated static property $language of class 196s
24207 Joomla\CMS\Factory: 196s
24208 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24209 Use the language service in the DI container or get from 196s
24210 the application object 196s
24211 Example: 196s
24212 Factory::getApplication()->getLanguage(); 196s
24213 🪪 staticProperty.deprecated 196s
24214 199 Access to deprecated static property $language of class 196s
24215 Joomla\CMS\Factory: 196s
24216 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24217 Use the language service in the DI container or get from 196s
24218 the application object 196s
24219 Example: 196s
24220 Factory::getApplication()->getLanguage(); 196s
24221 🪪 staticProperty.deprecated 196s
24222 241 Access to deprecated static property $language of class 196s
24223 Joomla\CMS\Factory: 196s
24224 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24225 Use the language service in the DI container or get from 196s
24226 the application object 196s
24227 Example: 196s
24228 Factory::getApplication()->getLanguage(); 196s
24229 🪪 staticProperty.deprecated 196s
24230 357 Call to deprecated method getSession() of class Joomla\CMS\Factory: 196s
24231 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24232 Use the session service in the DI container or get from 196s
24233 the application object 196s
24234 Example: 196s
24235 Factory::getApplication()->getSession(); 196s
24236 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24237 503 Call to deprecated method set() of class Joomla\CMS\User\User: 196s
24238 4.3.0 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24239 Create a proper setter function for the property 196s
24240 🪪 method.deprecated 196s
24241 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24242 196s
24243 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24244 Line plugins/user/profile/src/Extension/Profile.php 196s
24245 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24246 102 Call to deprecated method register() of class 196s
24247 Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper: 196s
24248 4.0 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24249 Use the service registry instead 196s
24250 HTMLHelper::getServiceRegistry()->register($key, 196s
24251 $function); 196s
24252 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24253 106 Call to deprecated method register() of class 196s
24254 Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper: 196s
24255 4.0 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24256 Use the service registry instead 196s
24257 HTMLHelper::getServiceRegistry()->register($key, 196s
24258 $function); 196s
24259 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24260 110 Call to deprecated method register() of class 196s
24261 Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper: 196s
24262 4.0 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24263 Use the service registry instead 196s
24264 HTMLHelper::getServiceRegistry()->register($key, 196s
24265 $function); 196s
24266 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24267 114 Call to deprecated method register() of class 196s
24268 Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper: 196s
24269 4.0 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24270 Use the service registry instead 196s
24271 HTMLHelper::getServiceRegistry()->register($key, 196s
24272 $function); 196s
24273 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24274 ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24275 196s
24276 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24277 Line plugins/user/profile/src/Field/TosField.php 196s
24278 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24279 80 Call to deprecated method getLanguage() of class Joomla\CMS\Factory: 196s
24280 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24281 Use the language service in the DI container or get from 196s
24282 the application object 196s
24283 Example: 196s
24284 Factory::getApplication()->getLanguage(); 196s
24285 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24286 106 Call to deprecated method getLanguage() of class Joomla\CMS\Factory: 196s
24287 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24288 Use the language service in the DI container or get from 196s
24289 the application object 196s
24290 Example: 196s
24291 Factory::getApplication()->getLanguage(); 196s
24292 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24293 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24294 196s
24295 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 196s
24296 Line plugins/user/terms/src/Extension/Terms.php 196s
24297 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 196s
24298 62 Method 196s
24299 Joomla\Plugin\User\Terms\Extension\Terms::onContentPrepareForm() 196s
24300 should return bool but return statement is missing. 196s
24301 🪪 return.missing 196s
24302 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 196s
24303 196s
24304 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24305 Line plugins/user/terms/src/Field/TermsField.php 196s
24306 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24307 98 Call to deprecated method getLanguage() of class Joomla\CMS\Factory: 196s
24308 4.3 will be removed in 6.0 196s
24309 Use the language service in the DI container or get from 196s
24310 the application object 196s
24311 Example: 196s
24312 Factory::getApplication()->getLanguage(); 196s
24313 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24314 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24315 196s
24316 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24317 Line plugins/workflow/featuring/src/Extension/Featuring.php 196s
24318 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24319 197 Call to deprecated method singularize() of class 196s
24320 Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector. 196s
24321 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24322 361 Method 196s
24323 Joomla\Plugin\Workflow\Featuring\Extension\Featuring::onContentBeforeChangeFeatured() 196s
24324 should return bool but return statement is missing. 196s
24325 🪪 return.missing 196s
24326 435 Method 196s
24327 Joomla\Plugin\Workflow\Featuring\Extension\Featuring::onContentVersioningPrepareTable() 196s
24328 should return bool but return statement is missing. 196s
24329 🪪 return.missing 196s
24330 ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24331 196s
24332 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24333 Line plugins/workflow/publishing/src/Extension/Publishing.php 196s
24334 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24335 213 Call to deprecated method singularize() of class 196s
24336 Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector. 196s
24337 🪪 staticMethod.deprecated 196s
24338 341 Method 196s
24339 Joomla\Plugin\Workflow\Publishing\Extension\Publishing::onWorkflowAfterTransition() 196s
24340 should return bool but return statement is missing. 196s
24341 🪪 return.missing 196s
24342 440 Method 196s
24343 Joomla\Plugin\Workflow\Publishing\Extension\Publishing::onContentVersioningPrepareTable() 196s
24344 should return bool but return statement is missing. 196s
24345 🪪 return.missing 196s
24346 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 196s
24347 196s
24348 [ERROR] Found 3642 errors 196s
24349 196s
Exit Code 1