0m 33s
Jan 16, 2025, 12:18 AM


Updating phpstan to 2.0 (#51) * Updating phpstan to 2.0 * Adding PHP 8.3/8.4 everywhere

executed scheduled task

Pipeline stages

6 stages

Console Logs

1+ phpcpd src 0s
2phpcpd 6.0.3 by Sebastian Bergmann. 0s
3 0s
4Found 2 clones with 82 duplicated lines in 3 files: 0s
5 0s
6 - /drone/src/src/phputf8/utils/unicode.php:60-101 (41 lines) 0s
7 /drone/src/src/phputf8/utils/validation.php:51-92 0s
8 0s
9 - /drone/src/src/phputf8/utils/bad.php:249-290 (41 lines) 0s
10 /drone/src/src/phputf8/utils/validation.php:32-73 0s
11 0s
122.12% duplicated lines out of 3877 total lines of code. 0s
13Average size of duplication is 41 lines, largest clone has 41 of lines 0s
14 0s
15Time: 00:00.018, Memory: 4.00 MB 0s
Exit Code 1